Japanese scholars Hideki Tachimoto, Ikuo Abe and others pointed out that the specific surface area and pore volume of activated carbon are important factors affecting the adsorption of dioxin, and based on existing research results, they proposed that activated carbon used to remove dioxin compounds should have the following basics nature:
(1) The average pore diameter is 2.0~5.0nm;
(2) Specific surface area is above 500m2/g;
(3) Specific pore volume is above 0.2cm3/g;
(4) The average particle size is 20 μm.
Ma Xianhua and others from the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization of Zhejiang University have studied four different representative types of activated carbon: Norit GL50 activated carbon (wood) specially designed to adsorb dioxin, medical 732 injection activated carbon (wood), and lignite activated carbon (coal-based). ) and coconut shell activated carbon (nut shell). Through the characterization of specific surface area and pore structure, it was found that the distribution of micropores, mesopores and macropores of Norit GL 50 activated carbon is very uniform, while coconut shell activated carbon has a rich mesopore distribution, and the pore size distribution of lignite activated carbon and 732 injection activated carbon is concentrated. in the mesopore segment close to the micropores.
The dioxin equivalent removal efficiencies of the four types of activated carbon are coconut shell activated carbon 96.62%, Norit GL 50 activated carbon 80.66%, lignite activated carbon 81.72%, and medical 732 injection activated carbon 90.91%. It can be seen from this that coconut shell activated carbon has the best effect in removing dioxin. This is because it has a very rich mesopore distribution in the 2~20nm segment and an appropriate amount of large pores to provide channels for dioxins to enter. Performs well in adsorbing dioxins.
The laboratory continued to study the correlation between the pore structure parameters and dioxin removal efficiency of three types of activated carbon: lignite activated carbon (coal quality) LignAC, coconut shell activated carbon (nut shell) CnAC and medical activated carbon (wood) MAC. . The specific surface area, pore structure and toxicity equivalent removal efficiency data of three types of activated carbon are in the table below. By analyzing various parameters of the pore structure of activated carbon, it was concluded that the correlation between the pore structure of activated carbon and the toxic equivalent removal of dioxin is as follows: Mesopore volume Vmeso > Total pore volume Vt ≈ Micropore volume Vmicro >> BET specific surface area SBET > Micropore surface area Smicro.